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Melissa, Ron, Eric & Rena Happy Memorial Day With Love Mom Dad 2010! May 31, 2010


Thinking of you Mom & Dad, Grandma/Grandpa. We all miss you and love you. God Bless you and all the Angels. Love you forever.


Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Lissy, Eric, Ron, Rena Happy Mother's Day 2010 With Love! May 9, 2010


Happy Mother's Day Mommy/Grandma. Time stands still for all of us as another Mother's Day is here. We love you, we miss you, and above all wish you were here. Enjoy your day in Heaven, and hope you are getting spoiled today. God Bless you and Daddy. We love you so very very much. You are both forever with us.

Love you forever!!!

Lissy, Eric, Ron & Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy Easter Mom & Dad 2010! April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Mom & Dad, {Grandma & Grandpa}! We love you both and hope you have a Blessed day today in Heaven with all of our loved ones, and Angels we are so lucky to have crossed paths with. Our prayers and love are with you and all the Angels here not only on holidays but with unconditional love always. Love you always!!!
Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy Passover 2010 With Love! March 30, 2010

Thinking of you Mom & Dad, (Grandma & Grandpa) on Passover. We love you and miss you terribly. We know that you are cooking up a storm Mommy :) :) how we miss you and dad, and your cooking too :) May God Bless you both and all our loved ones that are in your company as you celebrate Passover together. One day we will all be sitting at the table again together. Until then, you are forever in our hearts and eternally in our souls. God Bless you both. We love you forever.

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Melissa, Ron, Eric & Rena Happy St. Patrick's Day 2010! March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day Mommy & Daddy {Grandma & Grandpa}!! Though not with us in the physical sense you are forever with us in our hearts. We wish you both a great day together in Heaven. Stay near to us, as we treasure you forever!!!!

Love you!!
Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Melissa, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy Valentine's Day 2010! February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Mommy & Daddy {Grandma & Grandpa}. We love you and we miss you so very much. As another holiday is here, we reflect on the special times we all shared together with you both. Whether it be on this holiday or any other one, they were indeed special. So on this day of love and happiness, we hold you in our hearts here. Have a great day love birds and hope you spread some of your love down to us here. We love you forever. Our bonds are eternal.

Love you both!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy New Year 2010 With Love! January 1, 2010

Happy New Year Mom & Dad (Grandma & Grandpa)!!! It is already a new year 2010. We miss and love you both terribly. We hold you in our hearts, prayers now and forever. Keep near to us Angels. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Merry Christmas Mom & Dad 2009! December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Mom & Dad {Grandma & Grandpa},

We all love you and miss you so much and celebrate this holiday as we do all the other ones, with fond memories of our love together.

These graphics sum up all the feelings we feel today. We love you forever. Merry Christmas in Heaven Angels, and may God forever Bless you.

We love you forever!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy 44th Wedding Anniversary! December 12, 2009

Happy 44th wedding anniversary to you two love birds. We love you & miss you forever. Today 44 years ago, you became one. Thus, the rest of us following behind :) :) we love you and celebrate with you. Wishing you a Blessed, beautiful day in Heaven, as we celebrate your happy day here in your honor. God Bless you forever.

Love you!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy Hanukkah Mom & Dad 2009! December 11, 2009

As tonight is the beginning of Hanukkah we all wish you both a happy, healthy holiday. We miss you both so much. You know that there are so many words that will never express the deep sorrow/sadness as each holiday or day goes by.

We hold you forever and always in our hearts Mommy & Daddy. As each day passes is one closer to you. God Bless you, hold you, and forever Bless you. With all our love and many prayers to you and all our Angels in Heaven.

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Melissa,Ron,Eric,Rena Happy Thanksgiving With Love 2009! November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Mommy & Daddy {Grandma & Grandpa}. As we celebrate today, we do it with half a heart. We love you and miss you both beyond words. As kids we recall watching the parade on TV. Mommy you would vaccum the carpets and tell us all to sit still as the grandmas were coming over. LOL we remember and we smile. as we reflect on the Thansgivings where we took pics of all the food that was made. Mommy you were amazing. You prepared everything so nicely and we took pics of the dessert table. Thankfully we have so many many fond memories to reflect on. So on this Thanksgiving day we send you our love, we send you our prayers. We are forever thankful for those moments we were so very Blessed to have, and eternally thankful for having you both for parents. May God Bless you both, as you celebrate with all the other Angels. We love you forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy Halloween 2009 October 31, 2009

Wishing you both a very Happy Halloween together in Heaven. Wishing you were here. All of us miss you and love you. Stay near to us, as we hold you forever in our hearts. God Bless you always.

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Melissa, Eric, Ron, Rena On Your 10th Angel Date Mom With Love! October 12, 2009


Today we celebrate your life. Today we reflect on the brief time we had with you. I was just getting to know you as my mother and friend when you left us. I was 28 when I got that call 10 years ago at 6am that morning. I was told that there was no pulse, and I was home alone, to then get another call saying you expired. Like you were a library book or food that spoiled. I recall in the car 2 days later going to the funeral home. I recall Dad and Eric saying it was true and you were gone. I swore up and down that you were ok and were going to be released from the nursing facility you were in, after you had a stroke. You were doing so well and the discharge papers were ready and signed. I had seen you the day before as it was Columbus day like it is today, and I told you that I would see you at the end of the week. I kissed you and hugged you, as Daddy in came for his visit with you. I drove home happy that you were going home...........................Little did I know that you went home alright but not the home we all wanted you to return to. I was in shock and the only way I was to believe it was true was when Daddy and Eric opened the coffin for me to see, as I was insistent that you were okay. I fell to my knees and practically fainted when I saw you mommy. Seeing you there dressed in white, and your face so beautiful, pure, and above all peaceful. I could even see a gentle smile across your face. It took Eric and Daddy to pick me up off the floor as I could not believe it was you. I screamed, I cried and I cried. I ran around the chapel there that mornng screaming, and no one could help me. I felt like I was in a terrible nightmare just waiting to wake up. Till this day, till this moment when there are dates like this that remind us, and bring us back to the date the time we lost a loved one, it hurts........... This inner pain of loss has always been with us, and will forever be with us. Just when we hit milestones and dates or holidays it only compounds it. I love you mommy, and would have loved you to meet Rena. I felt at the peak of your death, we were just first starting to get to know each other as friends. You were such a great mom, and taught me so much. Then out of the blue you were gone. I cannot process that and continue to have so much difficulty with losing you & Daddy. I have no idea what happened to you guys and why. We were all such a big close family at one time and then in a blink of an eye, were reduced to practically nothing.

As I try with the boys and Rena to move ahead, we focus on the things that God has Blessed us with and that is amazing friends here that support us. We have encountered the most wonderful people who have lost as well. Thank you for allowing our paths to cross. Though there have been bumps in the way with situations, at the end of the day we are still without the ones we love. We love you and we miss you. Not a day will ever pass as long as I live that i will not think about you or Dad. Each day that passes is one closer to you both and all our loved ones. We hold you in our prayers, in our hearts and will never forget you. I'm going to the cemetary to see you mommy in a bit. I pray that the gentle breeze that presses nearby is you. Though I know you are always with us. I love you mommy forever, and I love you too daddy. Please stay near to us always. Continue to love each other, and stick by one another.

With so much love!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena Happy Birthday Mommy/Grandma September 6, 2009


Happy birthday Mommy/Grandma,

Time is just passing by all of us so very quickly. We love you, miss you and hold you so very dear to our hearts. May you enjoy this day in Heaven with all our loved ones that are with you. God Bless you and Daddy forever.

Thanking you also for connecting us with so many wonderful people here as we extend our sincere gratitiude to them for their kindness. Smile upon them as you do us. Loving you always and forever Mommy!!!!!! Happy birthday our Angel forever.

Love you!!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Melissa, Ron, Eric & Rena On Your 3rd Angel Date with Love September 1, 2009

Dear Daddy/Grandpa,  (Yep using red your favorite color)  :)

There are no words to express the feelings that we are feeling today. Each and everyday we feel it, the sadness, the emptyness and grief. The dates are the things that compound our sorrow. We hold you in our heart, and in our prayers. We love you and treasure you and Mommy forever.

Thank you for teaching us compassion, sincerity and love. We are Blessed to know from an early age never to hide behide anything religion, people etc.. True care, love, compassion is from the heart and from the soul. You have shown us a path to take and guided us to where we are at now. We are forever grateful to you and Mommy. So until, our journey on this Earth is complete, we will await the day we are all reunited as one. May God Bless you forever, as we love you forever. No one and nothing will ever ever take our bonds away from us. We look up to you in Heaven as you smile & shine upon us here.

Love you forever!!!!!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy July 4th 2009 with Love! July 4, 2009

As another holiday is here and we try to celebrate, we are all thinking of you both and missing you beyond words. Wishing you two a beautiful, happy July 4th, and may you celebrate this fun day together in Heaven with all the other lovely Angels. God Bless you! Loving you both always and forever!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Melissa, Ron, Eric, Rena Happy Father's Day Daddy Grandpa 2009! June 21, 2009

On this Father's Day and always Daddy/Grandpa, we love you and miss you. Please always stay near to us and we hold you and Mommy very close to our hearts. May God forever Bless you both. Loving you forever!!!!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Lissy,Ron,Eric,Rena Happy 69th Birthday Daddy/Grandpa! June 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy/Grandpa. We all are missing you so very much. Wish you & Mommy were here in person so we could celebrate your birthday like we all used to do together. There are no words to describe the emotions all of us feel on dates like today. We find comfort in knowing that one day we will be reunited. For now, we are simply Blessed to reflect on happier moments and treasure them forever.

Happy Birthday Daddy, and may your day be filled with joy, prayers, happiness and eternal love. Thank you Theresa Buxton for this lovely graphic you so kindly made.

Loving you forever Daddy/Grandpa,

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Melissa, Eric, Ron, Rena Memorial Day 2009 With Love May 25, 2009


Happy Memorial Day, Mommy & Daddy (Grandma & Grandpa). On this day and always we love you, treasure you & miss you.

Love you forever,

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Melissa, Eric, Ron, Rena Happy Mother's Day 2009! May 10, 2009


Happy Mother's Day Mommy/Grandma,

Today is very difficult yet again without you. We all love you so much and miss you terribly. Stay near to us as our lives are changing everyday. Keeping you and Daddy in our prayers always. Each day that passes Mommy is one closer to you and Dad. You are forever in our minds and our hearts. On this day and always you will forever be Mother of the Year to me.  :)

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric, Rena

Melissa Eiler Happy Easter 2009 April 12, 2009

Missing & loving you Mommy & Daddy (Grandma & Grandpa) on this Easter holiday. May God forever Bless You, as you are in our minds and hearts forever. We love you so much!

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Melissa,Eric,Ron,Rena Happy Passover 2009 April 9, 2009

Missing you both & thinking of you today on Passover. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of our family members. You will forever live on in our hearts. Keep close to us Angels, we love you!!!!


God Bless you forever!!!!

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

Melissa Eiler Happy St. Patrick's Day 2009 March 17, 2009

Wishing you Mommy & Daddy (Grandma & Grandpa) a very happy, healthy St. Patrick's Day in Heaven. We all love you and miss you terribly. God Bless You Angels.

Love you forever,

Lissy, Ron, Eric & Rena

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